About the TWU

The Telecommunications Workers Union has a long and proud history of representing communications workers and workers in related fields. We strive to negotiate collective agreements that promote fair wages as well as just and equitable treatment for all. At the TWU, we believe that member participation and input is essential to the successful operation of the organization.

The TWU has more than 50 years of experience in dealing with employers and providing services to its members, protecting and improving their wages, benefits and working conditions. We invite member participation at every level of our organization through a democratic process that encourages two-way communication between members and elected officers. The TWU has built a reputation for guarding the principles which maintain the integrity of the labour movement and which encourage commitment and activism.

Our purpose

  1. To organize workers in communications and related fields in Canada.
  2. To improve the wages and the working conditions of these workers.
  3. To advance the social, economic, and overall welfare of working people by promoting just and equitable legislation.
  4. To provide for the defense and extension of workers’ civil rights and freedoms, and the preservation of democratic trade unionism.
  5. To offer equal opportunity and treatment to all members, regardless of race, colour, creed, sex, age, national origin, sexual orientation, political or religious affiliation, or handicap.

Authority and Structure

The TWU convention is the highest governing authority of the Union. The Executive Council exercises the authority of the convention between conventions. The Council takes action and renders decisions necessary to carry out the resolutions and instructions of the TWU Convention.

TWU Affiliations

It is the policy of our organization to maintain its affiliation with the Canadian Labour Congress and related Labour Federations, the National Alliance of Communications Workers, and any other organizations approved by the TWU Convention and ratified by the membership.