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October 3, 2020
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TWU Pay Equity Committee update
September 19, 2020
Alberta Apprenticeship Grievance
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October 1, 2020
Stopping the spread of germs and illness (PDF) or text version
September 26, 2020
Membership Outreach Campaign Calling
September 19, 2020
Alberta Apprenticeship Grievance
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TWU Member Outreach Program
Member Viewpoint Survey
This survey is for the entire membership. The Membership Viewpoint Survey is brought to you by the Solidarity Committee.
Changing global demographics are presenting Trade Unions with a number of unique opportunities and challenges. One of the challenges being faced by Unions today is to stay relevant to a membership who's expectations are becoming increasingly diverse.
This survey will be used to help the TWU examine its performance with the objective of identifying some of the changes that will be required in order to ensure that the entire membership continues to receive the service it needs and wants.
University of Toronto workplace relocation survey
We (University of Toronto) are very interested in how a new job location affects employees and their families. In particular, we want to understand changes in how people get to work, but also how people may travel differently for shopping and errands or even reschedule other activities in their personal lives. University of Toronto letter to TWU Members
TWU Website Questionnaire
As part of its communication improvement process, the TWU is developing a new website from the ground up. Phase one of this project kicks off with getting membership feedback. We want the redesigned website to reflect what TWU members want from the site. To do that, we need you to provide your input about how we can make the site better for you.
The survey is being conducted by the website development firm hired to develop the new site. All responses are gathered anonymously.
Please take a few moments right now to have your say. Complete the 15-question survey.
Collective Agreement Information
TWU Constitution PDF - July 2007
TWU/TELUS Seniority List - January 2008
TELUS Contracting Out Information
TWU and TELUS -Appendix H - TSS - January 1, 2021 - November 19, 2020
TWU and TELUS -Appendix G - TNS - April 16, 2020 - November 19, 2020
TWU/TELUS Addendum to Appendix F - November 20, 2020 - November 19, 2020
TWU and TELUS - November 20, 2020 - November 19, 2020
TWU and Shaw (Abbotsford) - April 1, 2020 - March 31, 2020
TWU and Shaw Cable (Surrey) - March 24, 2020 - March 23, 2020
TWU and Shaw Cable (Vancouver) - March 24, 2020 - March 23, 2020
TWU and Strategic Communications Inc. - September 23, 2020 - August 30, 2020
TWU and 24-7 Traffic control - December 21, 2020 - December 20, 2020